SIGN and ABCs (SABC): SABC is our latest video, and features John Kinstler and Antoinette Abbamonte. It teaches written, spoken, and American Sign Language (ASL) alphabets, and Signs for 88 words. Viewers will learn a new game - finger spelling. SABC also has two new Sign Songs. Turner Collins shows viewers how to Sign along to the "Alphabet Song", and Ken Lonnquist performs "Before the ABCs." The Chicago Tribune gave SABC a 4 star review, which is the most stars they give. Also, Skipping Stones Magazine, a national publication, named it one of 1998's best 2 videos.

Price: $19.50 (WI Residents add $0.83 Tax)

Shipping and Handling Included in Price.

         Sign and ABCs (DVD) - $19.50, including Shipping and Handling.

         Sign and ABCs (VHS) - $19.50, including Shipping and Handling.





[Sign and ABC]   

[Begining Reading and Sign Language]

BEGINNING READING and SIGN LANGUAGE (BRSL): Teaches how to Sign, read, print, and pronounce 124 words. It comes with a list of words in the order they are presented so users can fast forward or reverse to the area they wish to learn from. BRSL can also be used to practice finger spelling.

Price: $19.50 (WI Residents add $0.83 Tax) {VHS only at this time.}

Shipping and Handling Included in Price.


NOTE: All prices include shipping and handling. Canadians please add $1.50 per order, not per item.

SiSo and BRSL can be ordered together for $35.00 S&H included. WI Residents add $1.66 sales tax.  

Click here to read an article about: Hearing Students, Sign Language, and Music: A Valuable Combination